Duckrabbit and the open 'democratic slideshow"

Obviously getting into the mood with the election one of our contributing photographers coined the phrase 'democratic slideshow' for our open slideshow event. We like it! We want the slideshow to be totally open and are looking forward to getting entries of all shapes and sizes. We have already had a great response and are definitely going to have our hands full compiling all of the entries.

The submission guidelines have been updated again so if you have any questions about submitting your work click on the 'submit slideshow' link above first to see if we have already answered your question.

In other news we have been in conversation with photographer David White of duckrabbit fame. You may already be a fan of their blog but if you haven't heard of duckrabbit they spend their days and nights working with photographs and audio making real multimedia. Not only do we hope to have some of David's work on display as part of our event but due to the great response to the event we hope we can provide something extra for all the talent we have seen coming through our email in the last two weeks!

More info coming soon..

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